|Where's the bloody Coffee? by Freak of NFA Thankfully this issue of The Word (It's 6 isn't it? I don't even know what day it is, me!) didn't give us too much hassle, mainly because there's very little recoding to be done, I tidied the source code up so that ßudda/NFA (poor lad) could follow it more easily, but I think that's about all, even the page width/text format manages to stay the same for two consecutive issues! More varied articles are coming in now, many from the Big Hard One BBS but several from friends and contacts who fancy a laugh, which means less work for myself in the typing department, and guarantees the future of the mag just a little more strongly, keep it up (oo-er)! Clipart has been omitted from this issue, for time reasons only! The most notable omission from this issue is Pex le Sex of Quantum Inc and all of his contact's articles. Poor old Pex is going through a bit of a rough spot so isn't up to doing much typing, and doesn't feel like mentioning articles and such to his contacts, hence they didn't send any. Eventually this'll be sorted though, and we'll see more corker articles from Pex and his contacts, which brings me nicely to... |The Word 7 to be on 2 Disks! (SHOCK! HORROR! - MORE WORK FOR FREAK!!) This, of course, depends on how quickly the old articles pile up, but you'll notice that there are very few (FOUR - Count 'em!) IFF adverts in this issue, it's mostly text files. The Word is now becoming more popular and is generating more interest, so more articles will appear in the P.O.Box's and on the BBS's. Hopefully we'll manage to swing some more magazine coverage too, thanks to Rich & Kev at Mon P.D. and Nicky & Rob at 17-Bit Software for their efforts in this department. Next issue will be more heavily re-worked in the graphics department as well. You'll notice that TW6 looks far too much like TW5, the control bar is the same, and the gfx on the article screen are only slighty different, so we'll get working on that for the first two disk version. One thing that WON'T change - after complaints from everybody (and his bloody dog) is the article format, we've finally decided on 72 columns with no colour. |The Photo-Booth Returneth! Also in TW7 I want to have another Photo-Booth. This might clash rather awkwardly with Digi-Pics II by Neø (You not doing that one then, Phil?), but what the hell eh? I'll be in there, a better picture than last time (when I hid behind a disk because I looked like shit ;), and I already have pics of Gypsy and Repairman (NFA?) for it, plus I'm sure Phil! and Pex will donate a couple, Budda also has a digitiser/camera setup, as does my girlfriends dad (Hi Barny!) so we can get photos in as well... We want more of everything, send in your group new-files (at the moment I have to leech them off your bloody disks!), docs for new releases and anything else you can think of (Hey Ke¡/Carnage - why not send me the most interesting bits from your "Ke¡ Update" files?), doesn't matter if it's bob - we'll consider it! Support this mag - it has more Lunacy, more Variety and more AMOS than any other disk-mag on the scene - guaranteed! D·i·C·K Freak of NFA